Colorlight C4 Cloud Media Player ለንግድ LED ማሳያ

የቀለም ብርሃን C4 ደመና LED ማጫወቻ, ባለ ሙሉ ቀለም ቪዲዮ መሪ ማያ ላኪ ሳጥን. ሁሉንም የ Colorlight LED መቀበያ ካርድ እና የላኪ ካርድ ይደግፋል.

206,0 $


Colorlight C4 Cloud Media Player

C4 can connect to Internet through LAN/WiFi/4G. Based on Colorlight Cloud Server, C4 can rapidly achieve unified management of multiple screens and multi-services across regions.


Professional BS structure, can connect to Internet through LAN/WiFi/4G and achieve cloud services cluster management;
ከፍተኛው የመጫን አቅም: 655360 ፒክስሎች; ከፍተኛው ስፋት: 4096 ፒክስሎች, maximum height: 1536 ፒክስሎች, and the size can be set flexibly;
Build-in storage of 8G, 5G available for users, support play through USB;
Fully compatible with program management and setup mode under conventional synchronized control system.

ምን ይካተታል:
1 x C4 LED Player
1 x የኃይል ገመድ
1 x የውሂብ ገመድ

ተጭማሪ መረጃ


የቀለም ብርሃን


እስካሁን ምንም ግምገማዎች የሉም.

ለመገምገም የመጀመሪያው ይሁኑ"Colorlight C4 Cloud Media Player ለንግድ LED ማሳያ”

የኢሜል አድራሻዎ አይታተምም።. አስፈላጊ መስኮች ምልክት ተደርጎባቸዋል *