
フルカラー LED ディスプレイのイメージングは​​通常、ファイルを通じて実現されます。, ビデオ, 画像, そしてコンピューター上のテキスト. トランスコーディング処理のためにグラフィックス カード経由で送信カードに送信します。. 次に、イメージングを受信カードにドライブします。. では、LED ディスプレイ画面を選択するときに、どうすれば最高の表示効果を達成できるでしょうか。?

LED ディスプレイ画面の画質は、次の要因と密接に関係しています。: 輝度, 幅, 最適な視聴距離. Only when each indicator meets the needs of the current usage environment, can the display effect be optimal. The display screen is composed of many subsystems, and we need to have a detailed understanding of each subsystem.

Principles of LED Display Screen Imaging

It includes power supply, video encoder and decoder code, line driver, digital signal processor (DSP), 等々, which work closely together to generate video images. If you carefully observe the LED display screen, you will see hundreds of individual video panels. Moving closer, you will find that each panel contains 16X16 pixels. The anode of each LED is electrically connected to the output of an LED driver. Ultimately, these tens of thousands of LED drivers will control the generation of video images through hundreds of thousands of LED beads.

Brightness requirements for LED display screens

The brightness of LED display screens is not necessarily better. In some environments, brightness that is too bright or too dark cannot achieve the best display effect of the display screen. When choosing an LED display screen, it is necessary to match the most suitable brightness according to the usage situation or adjust it automatically through the driver. This can provide satisfactory LED display quality without harming the audience’s eyes.

Most high-end LED drivers provide designers with multiple methods to control the LED current in their systems. These drivers have some features that help reduce LED brightness, such as point correction (直流), pulse width modulation (PWM) dimming, and global brightness control (BC). Although these features all provide the same basic function of adjusting LED brightness, their usage is different. Understanding and utilizing these features correctly is the key to having the best quality video.

The optimal viewing angle for LED display screens

Regarding the wide viewing angle and optimal viewing distance of LED display screens, it is necessary to conduct standard measurement and calculation for the usage scenario before installation, calculate the required viewing angle and viewing distance, and then match according to this requirement. This can ensure that the product meets the specific needs of the usage scenario and presents the most exciting and high-quality images to the audience.