Led 디스플레이 벽용 Linsn CN901 LED 리피터

LED 비디오월용 Linsn 제어 시스템, 모든 소프트웨어를 설치하고 플레이할 수 있습니다..

Linsn CN901 Network Repeaters, CN901 is the Upgrade version of CN701. Every 100 meter of RJ45 net cable need one CN901.

45,0 $

SKU: HT-CN901-LED-Repeater 카테고리: , 태그: ,


Linsn CN901 LED Repeater


Linsn CN901 Network Repeaters,

CN901 is the Upgrade version of CN701.

Every 100 meter of RJ45 net cable need one CN901.

CN901 led repeater linsn cn901 control system led repeater replace cn701 for linsn card

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