Linsn TS852 TS852D 발신자 상자 (TS802D 송신 카드 내부) LED 디스플레이의 경우

Linsn 컨트롤러는 실내 및 실외 LED 디스플레이에 적합합니다., 무대 대여 및 고정 설치 모두.

1. 5V, 2ㅏ.
2. The outer box SB-8 contains one Linsn TS802D sending card and a power supply.
3. There is space for an industrial PC, including special mother board and hard disc.

175,0 $


Linsn TS852 TS852D 발신자 상자 (TS802D 송신 카드 내부)

Linsn TS852 TS852D 발신자 상자 (TS802D 송신 카드 내부)

TS852D equils SB-8 Sender Box + TS802D Sending Card
be used outside of computer;
To work easily with laptop and to be able to minimize the size of control computer.

1. 5V, 2ㅏ
2. The outer box SB-8 contains one Linsn TS802D sending card and a power supply.
3. There is space for an industrial PC, including special mother board and hard disc.
4. With extra mouse.
5. 16 grades brightness control.
6. 치수: 40.5cm by 20.7cm by 5.9cm

추가 정보




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