VDwall 송신함 SC-4

  • LED 비디오 월용 비디오 프로세서 제어 시스템, 무대 및 고정 LED 스크린에 사용.
  • PCI 슬롯 디자인은 최대 4개의 전송 카드를 수용할 수 있습니다..
    Power supply unified,fix and mannge concentrated.Meantime,it can be used in sending backup in application.
    Mainly uesed in big LED splicing situation with LVP40X serial LED HD processor.

170,0 $

SKU: VDwall-SC-4-sync 범주: 태그: ,


VDwall 송신함 SC-4


1. PCI slot design can hold at most 4pcs sending cardsï¼›
2. Power supply unified,fix and mannge concentrated.Meantime,it can be used in sending backup in application.
3. Mainly uesed in big LED splicing situation with LVP40X serial LED HD processor.
Inout voitage: 100-240Vac 50-60HZ
힘: max 60W
No sending card in it, Max support 4 보내는 카드.
작업 온도: 0-45씨
크기: 482.6mm*200mm*66.7mm
무게: 2.8킬로그램

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