Colorlight C7 Cloud LED Player fir Led Schiirme

Colorlight C7 Cloud LED Spiller, Voll Faarf Video Led Écran Sender Box. Ënnerstëtzt all Colorlight LED Empfangskaart a Senderkaart.

Wat ass abegraff:
1 x C7 LED Player.
1 x Power Kabel.
1 x Data Kabel.

656,0 $


Colorlight C7 Cloud LED Spiller

C7 can connect to Internet through LAN/WiFi/4G. Baséiert op Colorlight Cloud Server, C7 can rapidly achieve unified management of multiple screens and multi-services across regions.


Connect to Internet through LAN/WiFi/4G;
Baséiert op Colorlight Cloud Server, C7 can rapidly achieve unified management of multiple screens and multi-services across regions;
Possessing powerful functions including equipment monitoring, program edition, scheduling and cluster publishing, multi-level authorization management, programs are published after review;
Support multiple play windows and windows overlap, size and location can be freely set;
C7 can be set as AP Mode, supports program management and parameters setting via smartphone, tablet, PC, etc;
Supports GPS precise timing to achieve synchronization of multiple screens;
Supports HDMI input and loop output, multiple players can cascade via HDMI to achieve multi-windows stitching;
8G build-in storage, 5G verfügbar fir Benotzer; it supports USB storage, Plug&Play;

Wat ass abegraff:
1 x C7 LED Player
1 x Power Kabel
1 x Data Kabel

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