Colorlight S4 LED Display Sender Box Fir Led Schëlder

Colorlight S4 LED Display Sender Box, Voll Faarf Video Led Écran Sender Box. Ënnerstëtzt all Colorlight LED Empfangskaart.

Wat ass abegraff:
1 x S4 Sender Box.
1 x Power Kabel.
1 x Data Kabel.

330,0 $

SKU: Colorlight-S4-sync Kategorien: , Tags: ,


Colorlight S4 LED Display Sender Box

S4 sender, possesses powerful video signal receiving capacity, and supports DVI and HDMI signal input, in which max input resolution is 1920*1200 Pixel. Mëttlerweil, 4 Gigabit Ethernet outputs support arbitrary splicing, and dual USB2.0 interfaces for high speed configuration and easy cascading. Also, it equips a series of versatile functions, which can be applied to common fixed display perfectly.


·HDMI and DVI signal input ports with HDMI signal loop output port
·Maximum input resolution: 1920*1200 Pixel
·Maximum loading capacity: 2.30 Millioun Pixel
·Maximum Width: 4096Pixel, Maximal Héicht: 2560 Pixel
·4 Gigabit Ethernet outputs support screen arbitrary splicing
·Dual USB2.0 for high speed configuration and easy cascading
·Support brightness and chromaticity adjustment
·Improved grayscale performance at low brightness
·Support HDCP
·Compatible with all series of Colorlight receiving card

Wat ass abegraff:
1 x S4 Sender Box
1 x Power Kabel
1 x Data Kabel

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