Colorlight X8 LED Display Controller fir Video Maueren

Colorlight X8 LED Display Controller ass e professionnelle LED Bildschierm Controller,déi maximal Input Resolutioun vun 1920 × 1200 Pixel.

1199,0 $

SKU: Colorlight-X8-sync Kategorien: , Tags: ,


Colorlight X8 LED display controller

X8 is a professional LED display controller. It possesses powerful video signal receiving, splicing and processing capacities, and supports multiple signal inputs, with the maximum input resolution of 1920×1200 pixels. It supports digital ports (DVI and SDI), and seamless switching between signals. It supports splicing, broadcast quality scaling, and five-layers displays.


• Ënnerstëtzt verschidde digital Signal Häfen, including 4×DVI and 2×SDI

•Supports input resolutions up to 1920×1200@60Hz

•Ladekapazitéit: 5 Millioune, maximum width/height: 8192 Pixel

• Ënnerstëtzt arbiträr Wiessel vu Videoquellen; the input images can be spliced and scaled according to the screen resolution

•Supports five-layer displays, der Plaz an Gréisst kann fräi ugepasst ginn

•Supports 16 kinds of preset modes, the saved preset parameters can be loaded at any time according to needs

• Dual USB2.0 fir Héichgeschwindegkeet Konfiguratioun an einfach Kaskadespär tëscht Controller

•Supports brightness and chromaticity adjustment

• Ënnerstëtzt verbesserte Grau-Skala-Performance bei gerénger Hellegkeet

• Kompatibel mat all Empfangskaarten, multifunction Kaarten, an optesch Faser Konverter vu Colorlight

Zousätzlech Informatiounen

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