Linsn TS852 TS852D Sender Box (Bannen TS802D Sendekort) Fir LED Displays

Linsn Controller si passend fir Indoor an Outdoor LED Displays, souwuel Etapp Locatioun wéi fix Installatiounen.

1. 5V, 2A.
2. The outer box SB-8 contains one Linsn TS802D sending card and a power supply.
3. There is space for an industrial PC, including special mother board and hard disc.

175,0 $


Linsn TS852 TS852D Sender Box (Bannen TS802D Sendekort)

Produit Numm:
Linsn TS852 TS852D Sender Box (Bannen TS802D Sendekort)

TS852D equils SB-8 Sender Box + TS802D Sending Card
be used outside of computer;
To work easily with laptop and to be able to minimize the size of control computer.

1. 5V, 2A
2. The outer box SB-8 contains one Linsn TS802D sending card and a power supply.
3. There is space for an industrial PC, including special mother board and hard disc.
4. With extra mouse.
5. 16 grades brightness control.
6. Dimensioun: 40.5cm by 20.7cm by 5.9cm

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