Novastar TB2-4G(4G fakultativ) Multimedia Player Box

  • Novastar professionelle LED Video Controller, ass speziell entworf fir d'Bedierfnesser fir Locatioun a Street Led Displays z'erreechen.
  • Luede Kapazitéit: 650,000 Pixel (1920×1080).
  • Processing capability: 4 core processor, 1 GB operating memory+32 GB internal storage space (28GB available).
  • Synchronous and asynchronous dual-mode(internal video source- asynchronous; HDMI input source- synchronous).

116,0 $


Novastar TB2-4G(4G fakultativ) Multimedia Player Box


Elektresch Parameteren Input Volt AC 100 V~240 V
Maximum Muecht Konsum 15 W
Storage Capacity RAM 1 GB
Internal storage 32GB (28 GB available)
Stockage Ëmfeld Temperatur –40°C to +80°C
Fiichtegkeet 0% RH zu 80% RH, net-kondenséierend
Betribssystemer Ëmfeld Temperatur –20ºC to +60ºC
Fiichtegkeet 0% RH zu 80% RH, net-kondenséierend
Verpakung Informatiounen Dimensiounen (L×W×H) 335 mm × 190 mm × 62 mm
Dimensiounen (L×W×H) 196.0 mm × 115.5 mm × 34.0 mm
Net Gewiicht 304.5 g
IP Rating IP20

Please prevent the product from water intrusion and do not wet or wash the product.

System Software Android operating system software

Android terminal application software

FPGA program

Third-party applications are not supported.

Zousätzlech Informatiounen

Fabrikant beschwéiert



TB2 standard, TB2 4G


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