Linsn TS921 Full Function LED Display Screen Sending Card

Контролерите на Linsn се погодни за внатрешни и надворешни LED дисплеи, и изнајмување на сцена и фиксни инсталации.

Capacity: 1.3 millions pixels.
Големина: 126.11mm*99.69mm.
Supports 4K video source input;

105,0 $


Linsn TS921 Full Function LED Sending Card

Capacity: 1.3 millions pixels
Големина: 126.11mm*99.69mm
1. One audio input;
2. Supports 16-bit grayscale display;
3. Supports broadcasting CON file;
4. Supports broadcasting RCG file;
5. Supports reading back RCG file;
6. Supports 4K video source input;
7. One DVI video signal input;
8. Supports 12-bit/10-bit/8-bit video input;
9. Double port outputsupports 2048X640, 1280X1024 video source and so on.
10. Using PCI-E 1X port, the computer compatibility will be better;

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