Linsn TS962 LED дисплеј Испраќач кутија за LED панели

  • Контролерите на Linsn се погодни за внатрешни и надворешни LED дисплеи, и изнајмување на сцена и фиксни инсталации.
  • With four network output ports, supports common video source, like 2560×1024,1920×1200,2048×1152;
    With LCD display panel, supports adjusting brightness by rotary button;

400,0 $


Linsn TS962 LED Display Sender Box


1. One DVI video signal input;

2.One HDMI video signal input;

3. Supports fetching back RCG file;

4. Supports broadcasting RCG file;

5. Supports broadcasting CON file;

6. One Audio signal input;

7. With four network output ports, supports common video source, like 2560×1024,1920×1200,2048×1152;

8.With LCD display panel, supports adjusting brightness by rotary button;

9. Quick setup without PC;

10.Supports cascade function;

11.Supports auto-adjusting brightness (requires light sensor)

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