Colorlight i5A-905 LED Karta Riċevitur Għall-Wiri Led Portabbli

Colorlight i5A-905 LED Display Receiving Card, Karta tal-Kontrollur LED għall-Iskrin LED.

Kontrollur tal-vidjo LED professjonali Colorlight, hija ddisinjata apposta biex tissodisfa l-ħtiġijiet għall-kiri u wirjiet mmexxija fit-toroq.

17,0 $


Colorlight i5A-905 LED Receiving Card

i5A-905 is specially designed for the compact and portable LED displays, such as LED color screen or casting aluminum cabinet, eċċ.

It inherits all the advantages and features i5A had. Meanwhile, i5A-905 possesses Colorlight unique dual receiving card backup technique,

to support one cabinet with two receiving cards, mutual backup, more reliable in the key moment.


·Tiny size, special designed for the compact structure designs, like color screen and casting aluminum cabinet.
·Power supply from pin board without the need of external power supply, enhance hardware stability.
·New processing core, perfect in display effect.
·High refresh rate, high gray scale and high brightness with conventional chips.
·Perfect performance under lower grayscale status.
·Better detail processing: Slam parzjali fil-filliera, ħamrani fi griż baxx, problemi tad-dell jistgħu jiġu solvuti.
·Support the effective display at first grayscale value.
·Support 14 bits high-precision point-by-point calibration in the Brightness and chromaticity.
·Support conventional chips, PWM chips and lighting chips, eċċ.
·Appoġġ kwalunkwe mod ta 'skan minn statiku għal 1/32 scan.
·Support any pumping point and data arbitrary offset, and realize various freeform display, wiri sferiku, wiri tad-djamanti, wiri kreattiv, eċċ.
·Support 16 groups RGBR’ signal output and 24 groups RGB in maximum.
·Large load capacity.
·Advanced design, komponenti ta 'kwalità għolja, test rigoruż tat-tixjiħ, żero malfunzjoni tal-prodotti finali.
·Wide working voltage range with DC 3.3 -6V.
·Support dual receiving card backup, loop backup, and dual-machine backup, eċċ.
·Compatible with Gigabit NIC, S series Sender, Z series Sender and C series Sender, eċċ.

X'inhu Inkluż:
1 x i5A-905 Receving card

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