Linsn RV901H Kulur Sħiħ LED Screen Riċevitur Card

Sistema ta 'kontroll Linsn għal ħitan tal-vidjow LED, bis-softwer kollu biex issettja u tilgħab.

Linsn RV901H Kulur Sħiħ LED Karta Riċevitur.

17,0 $


Linsn RV901H Kulur Sħiħ LED Karta Riċevitur

RV901H/921H/931H is upgraded from the 8th generation system RV801. Compared with RV801, RV901 has all functions
of RV801 and can replace RV801, besides, RV901 is added the following functionality:

Karatteristiċi tal-prodott:
1. Single card maximum supports 1024X256 pixels, u 1024 grades single pixel chromaticity correction
2. Supports single-card color space conversion
3. using18-bit signal processor, maximum support 18-bit (260,000) griż (each of red, green and blue)
4. support 12-bit HDMI colors input (required the 9th generation sending card)
5. Support network cable BER test
6. Support configuration file readback
7. Support program replication
8. Three lines Voltage monitoring: one for the system, two for cabinet power
9. Supports hot backup with dual receiver cards for demanding performances screen
10. Support the cabinet-door monitoring (open/close)
11. Supports pixel fault detection (requires a dedicated chip support)
12. Monitoraġġ tat-temperatura
13. Support flat cable fault detection
14. Two lines fan-speed monitoring
15. Smoke monitoring (smoke module sold separately)
16. Humidity monitoring (humidity sensor sold separately)
17. In line with EU standards CE-EMC

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