VDwall Sending box SC-4

  • video processor control system for led video walls, used in stage and fixed led screens.
  • PCI slot design can hold at most 4pcs sending cards.
    Power supply unified,fix and mannge concentrated.Meantime,it can be used in sending backup in application.
    Mainly uesed in big LED splicing situation with LVP40X serial LED HD processor.

170,0 $

SKU: VDwall-SC-4-sync Kategorija: Tikketti: ,


VDwall Sending box SC-4


1. PCI slot design can hold at most 4pcs sending cardsï¼›
2. Power supply unified,fix and mannge concentrated.Meantime,it can be used in sending backup in application.
3. Mainly uesed in big LED splicing situation with LVP40X serial LED HD processor.
Inout voitage: 100-240Vac 50-60HZ
Qawwa: max 60W
No sending card in it, Appoġġ massimu 4 karta li tibgħat.
Temperatura tax-Xogħol: 0-45Ċ
Daqs: 482.6mm*200mm*66.7mm
Piż: 2.8KG

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