Linsn TS952 plus 4 Ağ Bağlantı Noktalı LED Ekran Denetleyicisi
Linsn TS952 Plus, dört ağ bağlantı noktasına sahip bir denetleyicidir, ve tekliyi destekler, çift ve tam renkli LED ekran. Kapasitesi: 2.6 million pixels and supports cascade function. In addition, it auto-adjusts brightness via connecting with an extra light sensor.
1) Bir Ses sinyali girişi;
2) One DVI video signal input;
3) One HDMI video signal input;
4) Supports RCG file read-back function;
5) Supports RCG file broadcasting function;
6) Supports CON file broadcasting function;
7) Dört ağ çıkış bağlantı noktasıyla, supports common video source, like 2560×1024, 1920×1200, 2048×1152, vesaire;
8) Supports cascade function;
9) Supports brightness auto-adjustment (requires light sensor).
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