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VDWALL protsessori
LED jo'natuvchi quti
LED qabul qiluvchi karta
LED video protsessor
LED quvvat manbalari
LED displey aksessuarlari
Ichki LED displey moduli
Ichki LED displeylar
Tashqi LED displey moduli
Tashqi led displeylar
+86 13714518751
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VDWALL protsessori
LED jo'natuvchi quti
LED qabul qiluvchi karta
LED video protsessor
LED quvvat manbalari
LED displey aksessuarlari
Ichki LED displey moduli
Ichki LED displeylar
Tashqi LED displey moduli
Tashqi led displeylar
Products tagged “Asynchronous LED Display Player
Asynchronous LED Display Player
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Led ekranlar uchun Colorlight C7 Cloud LED pleer
Savatchaga qo'shish
Linsn L6 LED displey pleyeri
Savatchaga qo'shish
Colorlight C6 LED displey pleyeri
Savatchaga qo'shish
Linsn L4 LED Display Synchronous Player
Savatchaga qo'shish
Linsn L3 LED displey asinxron pleer
Savatchaga qo'shish
Tijoriy LED displey uchun Colorlight C4 Cloud Media Player
Savatchaga qo'shish
Linsn L1 asenkron LED displey pleer
Savatchaga qo'shish
Colorlight C3 asinxron LED video devor pleyeri
Ko'proq o'qish
Led ekranlar uchun Colorlight C7 Cloud LED pleer
Colorlight C7 Cloud LED Player
full color video led screen sender box
Supported all Colorlight LED receiving card and Sender card
. Nima kiritilgan: 1
x C..
Linsn L6 LED displey pleyeri
Linsn L6 LED Display Screen Player
Linsn L6 is a sync player Supports up to
2.6 million piksel;
Supports asynchronous and synchronous display mode
Supports HD..
Colorlight C6 LED displey pleyeri
Colorlight C6 LED displey pleyeri,
Support LED screen resolution
: 1280*1024, 1920*640
or corresponding area
Wireless Control
Real-time brightness adjustment
Linsn L4 LED Display Synchronous Player
Linsn L4 LED Display Synchronous Player
Supports up to
1.3 million piksel;
Linsn LED screen median player LED display control Synchronous System Supports Wifi
Linsn L3 LED displey asinxron pleer
Linsn L3 LED displey asinxron pleer.
Supports up to 1.3million pixels
Linsn LED screen median player LED display control System Supports Wi-Fi
Wi-Fi hots..
Tijoriy LED displey uchun Colorlight C4 Cloud Media Player
Colorlight C4 Cloud LED Player
full color video led screen sender box
Supported all Colorlight LED receiving card and Sender card
Linsn L1 asenkron LED displey pleer
Linsn L1 is an asynchronous LED display media player
It allows you to play program over WIFI
LAN or USB flash drive
It supports up to
thousand pixels an..
Colorlight C3 asinxron LED video devor pleyeri
Colorlight C3 Asynchronous LED Player
Asynchronous full color video led screen sender box
Supported all Colorlight LED receiving card and Sender card
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