Colorlight C3 asinxron LED video devor pleyeri

Colorlight C3 Asynchronous LED Player, Asynchronous full color video led screen sender box. Barcha Colorlight LED qabul qilish kartasi va Yuboruvchi kartani qo'llab-quvvatlaydi.

84,0 $

Sotuvda yo'q


Colorlight C3 Asynchronous LED Player

As a new generation of LED controller, C3 can control LED screen without computer, it is convenient and cost-efficient. C3 adopts the industrial components and the embedded operating system, which is small, secure and stable. As a brand new controller application, C3 has been widely used in advertising display and digital signage, va boshqalar.


Maksimal yuklash qobiliyati: 655360 piksellar;
Maximum Width: 4096 piksellar, Maximum Height: 1536 piksellar;
8G memory, support maximum external 32GB storage;
Edit contents by LEDVISION, support program schedule, multiple programs play ;
Support content publishing to U disc by LEDVISION, U disc plug-and-play;
Support program page multi-window arrangement, freely set the window size and position, and support window overlapping;
Rich media formats such as video, tasvir, matn, office, clock, weather etc.
Program management and update through the USB line or fast Ethernet port.

Nima kiritilgan:
1 x C3 LED Player
1 x Quvvat kabeli
1 x Ma'lumot kabeli

Qo'shimcha ma'lumot

Ishlab chiqaruvchi

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