Raqamli reklama taxtalari uchun Colorlight S2 sinxron jo'natuvchi quti

Colorlight S2 sinxron jo'natuvchi quti, to'liq rangli video led ekran jo'natuvchi qutisi. Barcha Colorlight LED qabul qilish kartalarini qo'llab-quvvatlaydi, colorlight sender box S2 led sending box c&light S2 replace T7 sender box iT7 sending box.

Nima kiritilgan:
1 x S2 Sender Box.
1 x Quvvat kabeli.
1 x Ma'lumot kabeli.

182,0 $


Colorlight S2 sinxron jo'natuvchi quti

As a new generation of sender, S2 Sender has updated its core chips, and the performance significantly improved. It adopts dual USB2.0 as the communication interface to achieve high speed communication between the PC and senders. S2 Sender realizes cascading between multiple cards and much more convenient. S2 Sender can be applied to small display perfectly.


DVI signal input port
Audio input port with synchronous transmission via Ethernet cable
Maximum input resolution: 1920*1080 piksellar
Yuklash qobiliyati: 1.3 million piksel
Maximum Width: 4096 piksellar, Maximum Height: 4096 piksellar
2 Gigabit Ethernet port outputs support screen arbitrary splicing
Dual USB ports for high speed configuration and easy cascading
Improved grayscale performance at low brightness
Wide working voltage with AC 100 ~ 240V
Compatible with all series of Colorlight receiving cards

Nima kiritilgan:
1 x S2 Sender Box
1 x Quvvat kabeli
1 x Ma'lumot kabeli

Qo'shimcha ma'lumot

Ishlab chiqaruvchi

Rangli yorug'lik


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