Linsn TS952 plus 4-Network-Port LED Display Controller

  • Linsn TS952 Plus is a controller with four network ports, and supports single, double and full color LED screen. Its capacity is 2.6 million pixels and supports cascade function. In addition, it auto-adjusts brightness via connecting with an extra light sensor.

352,0 $

SKU: HT-TS952-plus-sync-1 Kategoriyalar: , Teglar: , ,


Linsn TS952 plus 4-Network-Port LED Display Controller

Linsn TS952 Plus is a controller with four network ports, and supports single, double and full color LED screen. Its capacity is 2.6 million pixels and supports cascade function. In addition, it auto-adjusts brightness via connecting with an extra light sensor.

1) One Audio signal input;

2) One DVI video signal input;

3) One HDMI video signal input;

4) Supports RCG file read-back function;

5) Supports RCG file broadcasting function;

6) Supports CON file broadcasting function;

7) With four network output ports, supports common video source, like 2560×1024, 1920×1200, 2048×1152, va boshqalar;

8) Supports cascade function;

9) Supports brightness auto-adjustment (requires light sensor).

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