MeanWell LRS-200-5CCG Switching Power Supply
Himoya qoplamasi dizayni + Uchta anti-davolash (mog'orga qarshi, namlikka qarshi, tuzga qarshi sprey)
- Chiqish quvvati: 101 - 200 Vt
- Chiqish turi: Yagona
- Kirish kuchlanishi: 90 ~ 132VAC / 180 ~ 264VAC
- Chiqish kuchlanishi: 5V
- Chiqish chastotasi: 47-63HZ
- Chiqish oqimi: 40A
- Out put current: 40A 17A 14A 8.8A 5.9A 4.4A
- Sertifikatlash: CB,Idoralar,CCC, EAC
- Himoya: All-Around Protection: OVP, SCP, OLP
- Samaradorlik: 83% 86.0% 87.0% 87.5% 88.0% 89.5% 89.5% 90.0%
- Working Temp.: -30 ~ +70℃
- MTBF: 347.5K soat min.
- Hajmi: 215*115*30mm (L * W * H)
- PACKING: 0.66Kg; 15pcs/10.9Kg/0.78CUFT
- DC voltage: 3.3V 4.2v 5v 12v 15v 24v 36v 48v
- Universal AC input range selectable by switch
- Withstand 300Vac surge input for 5 second
- Himoyalar: Short circuit/ Overload/ Over voltage/ Over temperature
- Cooling by free air convection
- Miniature size and 1U low profile
- Compliance to IEC/EN 60335-1 (PD3) and IEC/EN 1558-1, 2-16 for household appliances
- Withstand 5G vibration test
- Quvvatni yoqish uchun LED indikatori
- No load power consumption <0.75V
- 100% full load burn-in test
- High operating temperature up to 70℃
- gacha bo'lgan ish balandligi 5000 metr (Note.8)
- High Efficiency, long life and high reliability
Hozircha sharhlar yo'q.