VDWALL LVP615U LED Video Processor

LED video devorlari uchun Vdwall video protsessorini boshqarish tizimi, sahnangiz va sobit led ekranlaringiz uchun.

VDWALL LVP615U LED Video Processor

559,0 $

SKU: VDWALL-LVP615U Kategoriyalar: , Teglar: ,


VDWALL LVP615U LED Video Processor


Kiritish: 2*Video / 1*Ypbpr / 2*VGA / 1*DP / 1*HDMI / 1*USB
Chiqish: 1*VGA / 2*DVI (1024*768_60HZ/75HZ / 1080*1920_60HZ / 1200*1600_60HZ / 2560*816_60HZ)

1. Yangi avlod Faroudja® Real Color® professional LED video protsessori. 10 + Bit Faroudja® DCDI Cinema Processing and Faroudja ®.TureLife Video Enhancer
3. AIAO(Har qanday In Any Out) funksiyasi ekranning ma'lum bir qismida olingan har qanday rasmni ko'rsatishga imkon beradi
4. 3 custom PIPI P6P display modes to switch 6y one button-Any PIP I PBP display
5. Uzluksiz almashtirish, Fade-in r Fade-out & Blend switching in different input signals
6. User define output format reach maximal horizontal width 3840 yoki vertikal balandlik 1920
7. Two signal switching ways’. one button to switch and pretake +Take switching
8. DVI loop to install multi-unit in parallel to drive indefinite LED lattice, Ramkalarni sinxronlash texnologiyasi, no miss alignment or delay Between two adjacent image output
9. User define DV3 EDID to realize pixel-to -pixel display
20. Convenient operation by panel / Kompyuter dasturi / infrared remote control / Wi-Fi

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