VDWALL LVP615 LED Video Processor

用于 LED 视频墙的 Vdwall 视频处理器控制系统, 适用于您的舞台和固定 LED 屏幕.

VDWALL LVP615 LED Video Processor

466,0 $

存货单位: VDWALL-LVP615 类别: , 标签: ,


VDWALL LVP615 LED Video Processor


1. New generation Faroudja® Real Color® professional LED video processor , 10+ Bit Faroudja® DCDI Cinema Processing Faroudja® TureLife™ videoenhancer.
2.SeamlessSwitchingFadeinFadeoutSwitchingBlend Switching
3.Twosignalswitching waysone keyswitchandPre.+Takeswitch
4. 3 sets of custom dualpicture display mode, one key switch between modes. Any PIP/PBP display. 爱奥(任意进任意出) function, any interception andanyoutput.
5. Inputsignalhotsparefunctiontoensureoutputmorestable.
6. CustominputDVIEDIDtorealizeperfectpixeltopixeldisplay.
7.Custom output format. Single unit maximum output horizontal 3840 pixelsorvertical1920pixels.
8. DVI input port supports APPLE PC. DVI Loop unlimited cascade to realize sync. mosaic to drive indefinite LED lattice. Frame sync technology . No miss alignment or delay between two adjacent image outputs.
9.Avariety ofcontrolmethodswirelessWIFIIP/LANfrontpanelbuttoninfraredremote controlPC softwareIpadmobile phone terminaland etc..Flexibleoperation.
10.2 channels configurable external audio inputs. Plus HDMIDP and SDI audiototal5channelsaudiosyncswitch.
11. Built in 2 pieces LED sending cards(兼容的 4 RJ45 ports sending cards.Cardsareoptional.)
12. 24/7应用,highreliabilityandstability






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